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Seeking Management Service Practices
Become a Managed Service Practice

Become a managed service practice

Becoming a managed service practice gives you ability to secure your practice’s future, as well as the freedom to continue your career as a GP and business partner in the best way for you.

Why Elite GP?

Elite GP is part of the Medical Elite Services group that incorporates a range of services to the healthcare and professional service industries. Medical Elite is owned and run by Luke Moore and Paul Wilkinson. Formed in the Spring of 2010 by the current directors Medical Elite was quickly recognised as one of the busiest Healthcare consultancies in the UK offering a distinctly different and bespoke service.

Benefits of being a managed service practice

Elite GP are experienced practice valuers and exit planners. As with most things in the current climate of NHS transformational change the earlier and better planned an exit is the more fruitful it will be. If you are unsure about the future of general practice and your role as a business partner as transformational change gathers pace, now is a good time to talk to us. Each practice is unique and so is each exit strategy. Depending on the composition of the turnover of your practice and cost base, some practices may need to work hard in the preceding years to maximise the value of the practice leading to its transfer of assets, whereas other practices that are already profitable due to delivering a range of additional services and high QOF prevalence may consider exiting sooner rather than later to obtain the maximum value for their practice.

The Process

Focus on being a great GP

GPs treat all common medical conditions and refer patients to hospitals and other medical services for urgent and specialist treatment. They focus on the health of the whole person combining physical, psychological and social aspects of care.

Relinquish the stress of Business Administration and Management of your practice

GPs are responsible for running the business affairs of the practice, providing adequate premises and infrastructure to provide safe patient services and employ and train practice staff.

Streamline services

It is encouraging that NHS England is commissioning work from those delivering care at the front line, and listening to and applying the findings. We must modernise and connect with partners beyond the parameters of the NHS including housing and local government.

Planning an exit or early retirement

Elite GP are experienced practice value and exit planners. As with most things in the current climate of NHS transformational change the earlier and better planned an exit is the more fruitful it will be.

Read more about the process

Get Started

Elite GP can help you at every stage of your journey, from finding the right management service provider for your practice, to helping you secure your future within or outside the practice.